
Dialogue: Responding and reflecting on child rights

Read our summary report here.

Lead by a team at IDS and UHI, the goal of the Rejuvenate project is to re-energise the field of child and youth rights in social justice processes through a growing network of child rights actors and to further consolidate, evidence and develop the REJUVENATE principles.

Upon publishing the working paper Learning from a Living archive: Rejuvenating Child and Youth Rights and Participation in December 2020, the Rejuvenate team issued a call to action to academics, practitioners, decision makers, advocates, and programme implementers involved in working with children and young people to enter into critical dialogue with our work ‘as the start of an inclusive process of contributing to and building up international dialogue about children’s and youth participation and creating regional networks to share learning on concepts, rights, and goals’.

As part of this process, on 14 September we hosted a virtual dialogue for thinkers and doers in the fields of child rights and children and youth participation. Panellists shared their work and respond and reflect on the REJUVENATE principles, leading to broader discussions with event participants.

Guest panellists included

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